How to add new user to Mac OS ?
Tired of doing everything as a single logged in user ?
Personal things shows up while working in office ?
Then , You are at the right place!!!
Today , we will see how to add a new user to the mac.
Follow the below steps :
Go to system preferences.
Click on Users & Groups.
click on lock to make changes. Enter your login password.
Click on + sign at the left bottom.
Choose Account Type.
Enter name and password.
To make your life easier , attaching a video link here.
Personal things shows up while working in office ?
Then , You are at the right place!!!
Today , we will see how to add a new user to the mac.
Follow the below steps :
Go to system preferences.
Click on Users & Groups.
click on lock to make changes. Enter your login password.
Click on + sign at the left bottom.
Choose Account Type.
Enter name and password.
To make your life easier , attaching a video link here.